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Impact of On-Site Chiropractic

Back adjustmentThere has been a growing body of evidence that having on-site chiropractors at your place of work increases efficiency, lowers the risk of worker’s comp claims as well as provides an alternative to costly medical care for common-non-complicated conditions like low back pain, neck pain and headaches. A study in 2014 published in The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine analyzed the benefits of on-site chiropractic.

The objective of this study was to compare the influence of employer-sponsored, on-site chiropractic care against community-obtained care on health care utilization. It was a retrospective claims analysis study, using 876 on-site and 759 off-site participants.

Important Points From This Article:

  1. Musculoskeletal conditions are the primary cause of physical disability in the United States.
  2. About 50% of US adults have back pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, or bodily injury in excess of 3 months’ duration annually.
  3. 17% of US workers have absenteeism as a result of musculoskeletal conditions yearly.
  4. Neck pain inhibits about 14% of workers from successfully completing their jobs.
  5. In 2006, the average direct cost of treatment for musculoskeletal conditions was $576 billion, and indirect costs added an additional $373 billion, primarily in wage losses. [total = $949 billion]
  6. “Doctors of chiropractic promote wellness and injury prevention.”
  7. “Chiropractic care has been demonstrated to deliver effective treatment for the symptoms of musculoskeletal conditions.”
  8. “On-site chiropractic care has been shown to deliver substantial value through convenience of access, high quality of care and delivery, and lowered overall costs.”
  9. On-site chiropractic care has “demonstrated significant improvements in headache, neck pain, and low back pain functional status in patients utilizing on-site services over a short time frame while still showing lower utilization and cost outcomes than community-based care.”
  10. Employer-sponsored worksite clinics could control costs and increase workplace productivity while providing high quality and convenient care to their employees.
  11. “This study demonstrates that users of on-site chiropractic services have lower health care utilization than those who obtain their care at off-site community care centers.”
  12. “Patients receiving chiropractic care on-site were significantly less likely to have radiology [diagnostic imaging, including MRI, ultrasound, and x-rays] testing.”
  13. The off-site group received more radiology services overall (55.5% vs 38.2%) including magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, and radiograph; had higher outpatient and emergency department utilization; and demonstrated greater use of chiropractic care and physical therapy.
  14. “The mean number of chiropractic services and physical therapy visits per member were both significantly higher in the off-site group.”
  15. “The results of this study support the value of chiropractic services offered at on-site health centers in comparison with chiropractic services provided off-site. Future research into potential indirect and direct cost savings would supplement this study and further demonstrate the advantages of on-site chiropractic care.”
  16. “Compared with off-site care, on-site chiropractic services are associated with lower health care utilization. These results support the value of chiropractic services offered at on-site health centers.”

Benefits of Chiropractic

This article certainly proves the value and necessity for chiropractic care for on-site business. Once businesses and corporations realize they can save hundreds of thousands of dollars on workers comp claims in the year, we won’t have enough chiropractors to fill the need!


Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine September 2014; Volume 56; No. 9; pp. 990-992 Sylvia L. Kindermann, MPH; Qingjiang Hou, MS; Ross M. Miller, MD, MPH

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